How the Principal Can Have a Positive Climate in the School - eBook
Research has stated that the leadership and climate of a school will make the difference between the success or failure of a school. The leadership will also set the tone on how all stakeholders will feel about that school. Research has also discovered that the leadership starts with the principal, and he/she is the main factors that will determine the climate of the school.
This paper has strategies that the principal can use from the first day of school to develop a climate of success in the school. The stratigies in this paper have been used in some of the successful schools in our country. Don't wait get started now.
30 Pages
This paper has strategies that the principal can use from the first day of school to develop a climate of success in the school. The stratigies in this paper have been used in some of the successful schools in our country. Don't wait get started now.
30 Pages
How to Improve Student Achievement in Schools - eBook
Schools all across the country are looking for the school administration to lead the staff toward improving the student achievement of its students. This paper will provide the principal with an approach that can be used to move his/her school toward improving student achievement in their school. The strategies in this paper have been utilized in several schools and have been proven to be successful.
21 Pages
21 Pages